Arrière-garde as avant-garde: The Paradox of Interwar Realism

Arrière-garde as avant-garde: The Paradox of Interwar Realism

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Building 260 (Pigott Hall) Room 252 (German Studies Library)
  • Devin Fore

How do we historicize recurring aesthetic forms? In his talk, which addresses themes from his recent book Realism after Modernism, Fore explores the return to figuration in European art of the 1920s, asking if it is possible that the reappearance of aesthetic strategies from the 19th century during the interwar period did not mark a regression to an older set of artistic practices, but, to the contrary, may have heralded a new aesthetic paradigm.

Co-sponsored by the Department of German Studies and the Department of Comparative Literature.