Comparative Approaches to the Study of Immigration, Ethnicity, and Religion
Comparative Approaches to the Study of Immigration, Ethnicity, and Religion
Friday, May 9, 20149:00 AM - 9:00 AM (Pacific)
CISAC Conference Room
Encina Hall Central, 2nd floor
616 Serra St.
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
Friday May 9, 2014
9:00am Introduction
9:10am Does Naturalization Foster the Political Integration of Immigrants? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design in Switzerland
Jens Hainmueller & Dominik Hangartner
Discussant: Rafaela Dancygier
9:50am Lingua Franca: How Language Shapes the Direction of Public Opinion
Efrén Pérez
Discussant: Rahsaan Maxwell
10:30am BREAK
10:50am Transnational Ties and Support for International Redistribution
Lauren Prather
Discussant: Ali Valenzuela
11:30am Gender-Based Stereotyping and Negotiation Performance: an Experimental Study
Jorge Bravo
Discussant: Rob Ford
12:10pm BREAK
1:00pm The Rhetoric of Closed Borders: Quotas, Lax Enforcement and Illegal Migration
Giovanni Facchini & Cecilia Testa
Discussant: Karen Jusko
1:40pm Varieties of Diaspora Management
Harris Mylonas
Discussant: Yotam Margalit
2:20pm BREAK
2:40pm The Situational Context of Attitudes Towards Immigrant-Origin Minorities
Rahsaan Maxwell
Discussant: Jorge Bravo
3:20pm The Politics of Churchgoing and its Consequences among Whites, Blacks and Latinos in the U.S.
Ali Valenzuela
Discussant: Cara Wong
Saturday May 10, 2014
9:50am How State Support of Religion Shapes Religious Attitudes Toward Muslims
Mark Helbling
Discussant: Sara Goodman
10:30am BREAK
10:50am Opposition to Race Targeted Policies – Ideology or Racism? Particular or Universal? Experimental Evidence from Britain
Rob Ford
Discussant: Jens Hainmueller
11:30am Conflict and Consensus on American Public Opinion on Illegal Immigration
Matthew Wright
Discussant: Efrén Pérez
12:10pm BREAK
1:00pm The Electoral Geography of American Immigration, 1880-1900
Karen Jusko
Discussant: Dan Hopkins
1:40pm Do We Really Know That Employers Want Illegal Immigration?
Maggie Peters
Discussant: Giovanni Facchini
2:20pm BREAK
2:40pm Nurture over Nature: Explaining Muslim Integration Discrepancies in Britain, France and the United States
Justin Gest
Discussant: Claire Adida
3:20pm Immigration and Electoral Appeals over the Past Half Century: A Sketch of the Evidence
Rafaela M. Dancygier & Yotam Margalit
Discussant: Cecilia Testa
4:00pm Looking Ahead