Gender Relations in Transition: Austria and Europe in Comparative Perspective

Gender Relations in Transition: Austria and Europe in Comparative Perspective

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Reuben W. Hills Conference Room

This seminar will sketch the transition of Austria's gender relations between the 1960s and the firts decade of the 20th century. Departing from a "(Strong) Male Breadwinner/ Female Home Carer Model," the gender relations in Austria have changed significantly, yet Austria has not adopted a more egalitarien system such as the "Dual Breadwinner/ Marketized Female Carer Model" established in the USA, or the "Dual Breadwinner/ State Carer Model" established in Scandinavian Countries. Instead, Austria has (like Germany and the Netherlands) converted into a "(Weak) Male Breadwinner/ Female Parttime Carer Model".

The seminar will track the significant changes of gender relations - the "emancipatory" processes of rising female partipation in education and wage labor, and the loosening of ties of traditional marriage and family, but also the processes of reproduction of gender inequality in education, work and family. Finally, the seminar will address how social, family and gender policies have contributed to these contradictory developments.

Professor Max Preglau (Sociology, University of Innsbruck) is the 2010-11 Visiting Austrian Chair at The Europe Center.