Latency and Explicitness: Towards the Transformation of Metaphysics into General Immunology

Latency and Explicitness: Towards the Transformation of Metaphysics into General Immunology

Thursday, April 28, 2011
12:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Bldg. 460, Terrace Room (4th floor)
  • Peter Sloterdijk

This lecture on Thursday, April 28 will follow two workshops, one on Monday, April 25 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM and one on Wednesday, April 27 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Both workshops will take place in Bldg. 260, room 252 (German Studies library). No RSVP is necessary.

About the Lecture:
Since the publication of his Critique of Cynical Reason (German original, 1983; English translation, 1988), Peter Sloterdijk has produced a philosophical body of work – and invented a new shape for the role of the public intellectual – that have given him a unique (perhaps even unprecedented) resonance in German culture. Bringing together, in an epistemologically innovative and always provocative way, discourses and impulses from traditions mainly going back to Nietzsche and Heidegger, Sloterdijk has become one of the most influential and insightful analysts of present-day western culture in its global context. His language and style have opened up surprising convergences between philosophy and literature. Both the content and the forms of his work have made thinkable a productive transformation of the Humanities and Arts inside and outside of the university.

In two workshops and a concluding lecture on the topic “Latency and Explicitness: Towards the Transformation of Metaphysics into General Immunology,” Peter Sloterdijk will address a topic that has been dealt with in several Stanford seminars and workshops over the past year.