Russian Science and the Current Crisis
Russian Science and the Current Crisis
Tuesday, November 10, 200912:00 PM - 1:30 PM (Pacific)
In her presentation "Russian Science Policy: Before and During the Economic Crisis," Irina Dezhina will outline the major characteristics of the R&D sector in Russia and offer an analysis of government science policy on the eve of the global financial crisis. She will also discuss the various reactions to the financial crisis in Russia, both by the federal government and the science sector, including companies investing in R&D. Finally, Dezhina will analyze the effectiveness of the Russian government's anti-crisis policy in terms of its impact on supporting science and innovation.
Irina Dezhina is a Head of Division at the Institute for the World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. She also teaches the course of “Modern Problems of Russian Science and Innovation Policy” at the State University – Higher School of Economics. Dezhina earned her candidate degree in science and technology policy studies in 1992 from the Institute of National Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and doctorate degree – in 2007 from the Institute for the World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
She was Senior Research Fellow at the Analytical
Center on Science and Industrial Policy, a think tank for the Russian
Ministry of Science and Technology Policy and State Committee on
Industrial Policy (1993-1995). Dezhina was also a Fulbright Scholar at
the MIT Program “Science, Technology, and Society” (1997), and worked
as Science Policy Analyst at Stanford Research Institute International,
Washington, DC, USA (1998-1999). For twelve years (1995-2007) she
worked at the Institute for the Economy in Transition (Moscow), a
Russian think-tank. She has served as a consultant for the World Bank,
OECD, and New Eurasia Foundation, and the U.S. Civilian Research and
Development Foundation (since 1999). Dezhina has more then 150
publications including 6 monographs.
Jointly sponsored by the Forum on Contemporary Europea and the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies.