2-Day Conference: "Inscribed Identities: Writing as Self Realization" (Day 1)
2-Day Conference: "Inscribed Identities: Writing as Self Realization" (Day 1)
Friday, May 12, 20179:00 AM - 5:45 PM (Pacific)
Stanford Humanities Center
424 Santa Teresa Street
Stanford, CA 94305
Faculty Organizer: Joan Ramon Resina (jrresina@stanford.edu)
Graduate Student Coordinators: Gabriela Badica (gbadica@stanford.edu) and Pau Guinart (guinart@stanford.edu)

Friday, May 12
Enzo Traverso (Cornell University)
Between Critical Reason and Despair: Jean Améry
SESSION 1: 10:15AM-11:45AM, Moderator: Pau Guinart
Sidonie Smith (University of Michigan)
Identity, Post-Identity, Identity Assemblage: A Mediation on Life Writing in Three Modes
Julie Rak (University of Alberta)
Life Climbing: Mountaineering, Gender and the Problem of Mount Everest
SESSION 2: 12:00PM-1:30PM, Moderator: Leonardo Grão Velloso
Jan Söffner (Zeppelin Universität)
How to Stay Alive in Your Own Story - Odysseus in Dante and Homer
Jenny Haase (Humboldt Universität)
Writing Oneself as Another - Writing Another as Oneself. Julia Kristeva and Teresa of Ávila
SESSION 3: 2:30PM-4:00PM, Moderator: Gabriela Badica
Gregory Freidin (Stanford University)
Taking the Kingdom of Heaven by Force: Isaac Babel's Life and the Crucible of Violence
Joan Ramon Resina (Stanford University)
Life in the Dream: Freud's Self-Display through Screen Cultural Memories
SESSION 4: 4:15PM-5:45PM, Moderator: Robert Casas Roigé
Marcus Moseley (Northwestern University)
Yeats/Dylan: Autobiographical Negativities
William Viestenz (University of Minnesota)
Lines of Flight: The Self as Avatar of Difference in the Auto-Fiction of Kirmen Uribe
Saturday, May 13:
SESSION 5: 9:15AM-11:15AM, Moderator: Laura Menéndez Gorina
Laurie McNeill (University of British Columbia)
Co-opted Identity: "Anne Franks" and Frameworks for Testimony
Antonio Monegal (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
The Novel as Life Writing: Fiction and Testimony in Jorge Semprún and Imre Kertész
Joshua Landy (Stanford University)
Saving the Self from Stories: Resistance to Narrative in Primo Levi's Periodic Table
SESSION 6: 11:30AM-1:00PM, Moderator George Rosa-Acosta
Oscar Jané (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Self-Writings and Egodocuments. Personal memoirs in Catalonia (16th-19th century)
Linda Rugg (UC Berkeley)
Painting Faces: The Swedish Brothers Hesselius and the Ecology of Life-Transformation in 18th-Century North America
Sponsored by the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages; the Stanford Humanities Center; and The Europe Center's Iberian Studies Program