Societies in Transition: Adjusting to Changing Global Environments

Societies in Transition: Adjusting to Changing Global Environments

Friday, June 27, 2008
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Bechtel Conference Center

In 1998/99, thirty key organizations and foundations involved in transatlantic cultural, scientific and media relations, including DAAD, met at a "Round Table USA" to discuss ways in which to improve the harmonization of their activities and possible areas of synergy. One of the outcomes was the joint decision to stage a German-American Conference every two years to bring together promising young academics and professionals to examine subjects that will be of crucial importance for future German-American cooperation.

The 4th Alumni Conference of the Round Table USA will be:
"Societies in Transition – Adjusting to Changing Global Environments"
Stanford, California – June 26-28, 2008

The conference aims to offer a fresh look at the challenges which the ongoing process of globalization imposes on various areas of life such as
• Global Change and Civil Societies
• Pluralist Societies and a Common Cannon of Values – A Contradiction?
• The Role of Religious Convictions in Our Societies and Their Futures
• How Do Mobility and Migration Change Our Societies?
• Transnational Politics and Global Responsibility