Survival, or, the War Logic of Global Capitalism

Survival, or, the War Logic of Global Capitalism

Tuesday, March 3, 2015
5:15 PM - 5:15 PM

Pigott Hall (Bldg. 260), Room 252

  • Edgar Illas

The logic of global capitalism is no longer cultural (as Fredric Jameson argued), but has evolved into a logic of war. Consequently, I argue that the frame of cultural recognition that became dominant during postmodernity has been superseded by a frame of survival. While recognition aimed to save subjectivities from the total destruction of twentieth-century wars and project them onto a postmodern marketplace, survival is composed of immanent singularities that take place within the creative destruction of global war. Singularities are neither egalitarian nor subaltern. They simply emerge as Althusserian aleatory events whose causes are immanent in their effects. Singularities within global capitalism are acts of freedom dissociated from a position of structural barring and linked to the production of war that organizes the new conjuncture.

Edgar Illas is assistant professor with the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Co-sponsored by the Department of Iberian and Latin American Cultures and The Europe Center's Iberian Studies Program.