Visit by Sir Jonathan Phillips

Visit by Sir Jonathan Phillips

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Forum on Contemporary Europe
  • Sir Jonathan Phillips

The Forum on Contemporary Europe designed and sponsored this meeting as part of its series on global conflict, and peace and reconciliation.  This session was conducted as a high level, by-invitation discussion to bring together policy leaders and FCE Research Affiliates aimed to consider the potential benefit of Stanford research on conflict and negotiation for the continuing process of peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland.  The meeting included the UK Permanent Secretary for Northern Ireland, with Stanford faculty and FSI/FCE Research Affiliates including

  • Helen Stacy, Principal Investigator, Project on Human Rights
  • Allen Weiner, Co-Director, Stanford Center for International Conflict Negotiation,
  • Byron Bland, Co-Director, Stanford Center for International Conflict Negotiation, and
  • Roland Hsu, Assistant Director, Stanford Forum on Contemporary Europe. 

Also participating were Robin Newman, UK Vice Consul Political, Press and Public Affairs, and Andy Pike, UK Consul for Northern Ireland in Washington, D.C.  Also invited were a select group of post-graduate scholars currently engaged in research with policy implications on human rights, global justice, and international law.

The meeting addressed multiple engagement and intervention strategies, including using the office of the Permanent Secretary with his deep knowledge of historically contested issues and parties, as well as appealing to international mediation from offices including the European Court of Justice and Court of Human Rights.  Participants also discussed possible lessons to be drawn from this peace process for long-standing conflicts in settings such as Darfur, Sri Lanka, and Sub-Saharan and Southern Africa.

The Forum on Contemporary Europe expresses its appreciation for the Office of the UK Consul General in San Francisco co-sponsorship for this event.