Astrid Fellner


Astrid Fellner

  • Distinguished Visiting Austrian Chair, Forum on Contemporary Europe
  • Visiting Professor, Department of Comparative Literature

Stanford Address:
Building 260
Room 232
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

University of Vienna Address:
Department of English and American Studies
Universitätscampus AAKH, Hof 8
Spitalgasse 2-4
A-1090 Wien

(650) 725-8646 (voice)


Astrid Fellner is Professor of English and American Studies at the University of Vienna. She will serve as the Distinguished Visiting Austrian Chair at the Forum on Contemporary Europe from January - June 2009.

Professor Fellner's course schedule:

  • COMPLIT 247A: Borderland Identities and Cultural Hybridity between Europe and America (Winter 2009)
  • COMPLIT 248A: CSI Vienna: American Culture in Austria since 1980 (Spring 2009)