Judy Goldstein

Judith Goldstein headshot

Judy Goldstein, PhD

  • Janet M. Peck Professor of International Communication
  • Professor of Political Science
  • Affiliated faculty at The Europe Center

Encina Hall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, 94305-6044

(650) 723-0671 (voice)
(650) 723-1808 (fax)


Judith L. Goldstein is  the Janet M. Peck Professor of International Communication and the Kaye University Fellow in Undergraduate Education. She is a member of the AAAS,  is the current chair of the university faculty senate and  the chair of the board for the journal International Organization.  Her research focuses on international political economy, with a focus on trade politics. She has written and/or edited six book including Ideas, Interests and American Trade Policy and more recently The Evolution of the Trade Regime: Politics, Law and Economics of the GATT and the WTO.  Her articles have appeared in numerous journals.

Her current research focuses on the issue of adjustment to global economic shocks, with a focus on employment issues. She has on going projects on tariff bargaining, on foreign policy attitudes and on globalization more generally.

Goldstein has a BA from the University of California Berkeley, a Masters degree from Columbia University and a Ph.D. from UCLA.


January 2020

Is There a Future for Multilateral Trade Agreements? (Chapter in The Handbook of Global Trade Policy)

Is There a Future for Multilateral Trade Agreements? (Chapter in The Handbook of Global Trade Policy)
Journal Articles
July 2017

Trading in the Twenty-First Century: Is There a Role for the World Trade Organization?

Trading in the Twenty-First Century: Is There a Role for the World Trade Organization?
May 2017

The Limits of Institutional Reform in the United States and the Global Trade Regime

The Limits of Institutional Reform in the United States and the Global Trade Regime