All FSI Projects

Europe, America and the Multilateral Trade System

Image of stylized globe


Photo of Stefan Tangermann, University of Göttingen
Stefan Tangermann
 This project examines the complex trade relationships between the US and the EU and their key roles in the development of the multilateral trade system. To date it has resulted in a book (Josling, Timothy E. and Stefan Tangermann, (2015). Transatlantic Food and Agricultural Trade Policy: 50 Years of Conflict and Convergence, Edward Elgar Press, Cheltenham, U.K.) that explains the dynamic of transatlantic trade relations in the period from 1964 to 2014. The next stage of the project will look at the development of the multilateral trade system in the light of the lack of progress in the WTO Doha Round, the proliferation of plurilateral trade agreements and the ongoing negotiation of mega-regional agreements.

