The study on the role of multinational companies and supply chains in innovation will summarize patterns of internationalisation of the knowledge-creating and knowledge-sourcing activities of multinational enterprises and provide new evidence on the complementarity or substitutability between the R&D activities of the headquarters and its foreign affiliates. It will also analyse the factors influencing the geographical distribution of innovative activities of multinational firms and investigate how the regulatory framework affects incentives for R&D and innovation output in the EU, Japan and the US with a special emphasis on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) use and policy changes.
The study is part of a project to be delivered by a consortium of European research institutes led by the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) to the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission in the context of the PRO INNO Europe initiative. These services will be delivered under the INNO-GRIPS (2006–2012) label.