Axel Englund

Axel Englund, PhD
- Anna Lindh Fellow, The Europe Center
Encina Hall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
Axel Englund is a scholar of Literature and Musicology. He completed his doctorate at Stockholm University, Sweden (April 2011), where he has also taught modernist exile literature and metrics. His dissertation, a book version of which is being published by Ashgate in 2012, focuses on the poetry of the German-speaking Holocaust survivor Paul Celan, and its interplay with music. In 2009, he was a visiting scholar at the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at Columbia University. His research interests include the poetry and music of the 20th century, intermedial relations, critical musicology, hermeneutics and aesthetics. His current research addresses the poetic output of W.G. Sebald.