Amir Weiner

Image of Amir Weiner.

Amir Weiner, PhD

  • Associate Professor of History
  • Affiliated faculty at The Europe Center

Building 200, Room 336
Stanford, CA 94305-2024

(650) 723-3527 (voice)
(650) 725-0597 (fax)


Amir Weiner's research concerns Soviet history with an emphasis on the interaction between totalitarian politics, ideology, nationality, and society. He is the author of Making Sense of War, Landscaping the Human Garden and numerous articles and edited volumes on the impact of World War II on the Soviet polity, the social history of WWII and Soviet frontier politics. His forthcoming book, The KGB: Ruthless Sword, Imperfect Shield, will be published by Yale University Press in 2021. He is currently working on a collective autobiography of KGB officers titled Coffee with the KGB: Conversations with Soviet Security Officers. Professor Weiner has taught courses on modern Russian history; the Second World War; Totalitarianism; War and Society in Modern Europe; Modern Ukrainian History; and History and Memory.



Journal Articles
December 2006

The Empires Pay a Visit: Gulag Returnees, East European Rebellions, and Soviet Frontier Politics

The Empires Pay a Visit: Gulag Returnees, East European Rebellions, and Soviet Frontier Politics