Featured Graduate Student Research: Alexandria Brown-Hedjazi
Featured Graduate Student Research: Alexandria Brown-Hedjazi

During my time in Central Europe this summer, I followed the trails of diplomatic letters, and searched for visual representations of the embassies. This allowed me to re-assemble the full view of the Safavid presence and exchange with the Hapsburgs and surrounding territories. I consulted archival materials in the state archives of Vienna, Budapest, and Prague, as well as libraries with specific holdings related to international affairs during the early modern period. My visit to the Austrian National Library Vienna was especially lucrative, as it was there that I studied contemporary news pamphlets relaying news of the Mamluks, Ottomans and Safavids at the Hapsburg court. Overall, the research trip funded by The Europe Center was extremely productive and beneficial to my dissertation research. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to research the Safavid connection to Austria and Central Europe, a geographic connection I had not yet considered. Thank you.
Alexandria Brown-Hedjazi is a PhD candidate in Art & Art History.