SGS Summer Film Festival: "Os Gatos não Têm Vertigens" (Cats Don’t Have Vertigo) (2014; dir. Antonio Pedro Vasconcelos; Portuguese)
SGS Summer Film Festival: "Os Gatos não Têm Vertigens" (Cats Don’t Have Vertigo) (2014; dir. Antonio Pedro Vasconcelos; Portuguese)
Wednesday, September 7, 20167:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Pacific)
The Geology Corner (Bldg. 320), Room 105
450 Serra Mall
"Os Gatos não Têm Vertigens" (Cats Don’t Have Vertigo) is a 2014 Portuguese film directed by Antonio Pedro Vasconcelos. It tells the stories of two vastly different people - one an abandoned 18-year old boy (Job, played by John Jesus) and the other a 73-year old widow and retired professor (Rosa, played by Maria do Céu Guerra). After Job takes refuge on the rooftop terrace of Rosa's Lisbon building, instead of calling the police, Rosa offers Job the affection he's never had, and an unlikely but unforgettable friendship develops.
"Os Gatos não Têm Vertigens" is the last film in the annual SGS Summer Film Festival running from July 13th to September 7th. The film will be presented with English subtitles. This year's festival features nine films from around that world that focus on the theme of “Youth Culture in Global Cinema.” For more information on the film festival, please visit SGS Summer 2016 Film Festival.