Southern France and the Latin East in the 13th Century: Crusade, Networks, Exchanges (Day 2)

Southern France and the Latin East in the 13th Century: Crusade, Networks, Exchanges (Day 2)

Friday, April 20, 2018
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Levinthal Hall,
Stanford Humanities Center

This is day 2 of the two-day conference presented by The France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS), and the Centre d'études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale at the University of Poitiers. 

All sessions are in Levinthal Hall at the Stanford Humanties Center unless otherwise noted in the agenda.


April 20, 2018

Session 4: 9-10.30am   Circulation and Borrowings

Moderator: Fiona Griffiths (Stanford)

Nicolas Prouteau (U Poitiers)“Circulation and Borrowings between East and West in the Thirteenth Century : The case of Military Architecture”

Estelle Ingrand-Varenne (U Poitiers)“Holy Land Epigraphy in Comparison with Thirteenth-Century Inscriptions of Southern France”


Visit to Stanford Libraries Special Collections: 10.30-11.30am

Stanford University Libraries, First Floor of Green East


Lunch for Conference Participants and Attendees: 11.30-1pm

Picnic tables outside Stanford Humanities Center


Session 5: 1-3pm   Modes of Transmission: Stories and Song

Moderator: Marie-Pierre Ulloa (Stanford)

Rachel Golden (U of Tennessee)“Gendered Grief, Disruptive Motion, and Reinvention in French Crusade Song”

Susan Noakes (U of Minnesota—Twin Cities)“Boccaccio’s Cyprus and Multi-Lingual Aspects of Mediterranean Trade Revealed in Song”

Lynn Ramey (Vanderbilt)“Storytelling on Crusade: Modeling Textual Transmission using a Video Game Engine”


Coffee Break: 3-3.30pm   Stanford Humanities Center Lobby


Session 6: 3.30-5.30pm   Theories of Translatio and Reception

Stanford Humanities Center Board Room. Moderator: Marisa Galvez (Stanford)  

Francisco Prado-Vilar (Harvard)“The Beauty and Pathos of Crusader Bodies: Art, Antiquity, and Eschatology from Bohemond to the Leper King”

Shirin Khanmohamadi (SFCU)“Saracens, Objects, and Translatio in the Crusade Cycle”


Discussion with Concluding Response: 4.30-5.30pm

Stanford Humanities Center Board Room.

Jessica Goldberg (UCLA), introduced by Laura Stokes (Stanford)


Closing Reception: 5.30-7pm   Stanford Humanities Center Lobby


For more information, please contact
Co-sponsored by:  The Europe Center, the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, and the Department of History