Welches Denken wirkt innovativ? Erwin Schroedinger als Vor-Bild

Welches Denken wirkt innovativ? Erwin Schroedinger als Vor-Bild

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
12:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Suhrkamp Verlag Venue Fasanenstrasse 26 Berlin-Wilmersdorf Germany
  • Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht

The Forum on Contemporary Europe and the leading publishing house Suhrkamp Verlag are pleased to announce the first in a series of visiting lecturers by Stanford and European authors, whose works are being published in editions by Suhrkamp, for significant impact on the worlds of scholarship and policy.

The first visiting lecture will feature Stanford Professor Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, speaking on his new book, Geist und Materie. Zur Aktualität von Erwin Schrödinger. This event will be hosted on December 12, 2008, by Suhrkamp publishers, at their Berlin residence. Co-sponsors of this exchange include FCE, Suhrkamp Verlag, the Stanford Division of Humanities and Sciences, the Stanford Humanities Center, the Stanford Club of Germany, the German Stanford Association, and the Stanford Department of German Studies.