SGS Summer Film Festival: "Force Majeure" (2014, dir. Ruben Östlund; Swedish)

SGS Summer Film Festival: "Force Majeure" (2014, dir. Ruben Östlund; Swedish)

Wednesday, July 18, 2018
6:30 PM - 6:30 PM

The Geology Corner (Bldg. 320), Room 105
450 Serra Mall

Force Majeure is a 2014 Swedish film directed by Ruben Östlund. A model Swedish family is on a holiday in the French Alps. During lunch at a restaurant, an avalanche bears down on the happy diners. The father’s selfish reaction to the ensuing panic causes cracks in his marriage and relationships with his children.

The film will be moderated by The Europe Center Visiting Scholar Jonas Tallberg, Professor of Political Sience at Stockholm University. Jonas's primary research interests are global governance and European Union politics. He currently directs the research program “Legitimacy in Global Governance” (LegGov), funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. His most recent book is The Opening Up of International Organizations: Transnational Access in Global Governance, co-authored with Thomas Sommerer, Theresa Squatrito, and Christer Jönsson.

Force Majeure is the fifth film in the annual SGS Summer Film Festival running from June 13th to September 12th. The film will be presented with English subtitles. This year's festival features nine films from around that world that focus on the theme “Friends & Family: Tales From Near and Far.”

The film festival will run most Wednesdays at 7 p.m., from June 13 to September 12, and feature a post-screening discussion. 

Admission is free and open to the community. No RSVP required.

Films will be screened in the Geology Corner, Building 320, Room 105. Click here for a map.