Egor Lazarev | REDS Seminar | Dear Partners: International Actors and Local Connections in the Struggles Over Legal Reforms in the South Caucasus
Egor Lazarev | REDS Seminar | Dear Partners: International Actors and Local Connections in the Struggles Over Legal Reforms in the South Caucasus
Thursday, October 31, 202412:00 PM - 1:15 PM (Pacific)
Virtual to Public. Only those with an active Stanford ID with access to the William J. Perry Conference Room in Encina Hall may attend in person.

Egor Lazarev is an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science at Yale. His research focuses on law and state-building in the former Soviet Union. His first book, State-Building as Lawfare: Custom, Sharia, and State Law in Postwar Chechnya, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2023. The book explores the use of state and non-state legal systems by both politicians and ordinary people in postwar Chechnya. Egor’s other research has been published in World Politics, World Development, and Political Science Research & Methods. Currently, he conducts field research on legal reforms in the post-communist world.
Virtual to Public. Only those with an active Stanford ID with access to the William J. Perry Conference Room in Encina Hall may attend in person.
The REDS Seminar Series aims to deepen the research agenda on the new challenges facing Europe, especially on its eastern flank, and to build intellectual and institutional bridges across Stanford University, fostering interdisciplinary approaches to current global challenges.
REDS is organized by The Europe Center and the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law, and co-sponsored by the Hoover Institution and the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies.
Learn more about REDS and view past seminars here.