Daniel Weidner


Daniel Weidner, PhD

  • Associate Director, Center for Literacy and Cultural Research

Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung
Schützenstr. 18
D 10117 Berlin


Daniel Weidner is associate director of the Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin and teaches at the Freie Universität Berlin. His main areas of research are German and Comparative literature, the relation of religion and literature, literary theory and its history, and German-Jewish Literature, he is member of the board of the International Walter Benjamin Society and Consultant of the Encyclopedia of the Bible and its reception.

After his Dissertation on Gershom Scholem (published 2003), he worked on the idea of secularization and its political, narrative, and rhetoric implications. He edited several volumes on the afterlife of religion, on the Bible as Literature, on Johann Gottfried Herder, and Walter Benjamin and wrote a second book on the Bible and Literature around 1800 which will be published in 2010.