Astrid Hedin

Astrid Hedin
- Visiting Associate Professor and Anna Lindh Fellow, The Europe Center
Encina Hall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
As an Anna Lindh fellow at The Europe Center, Astrid Hedin is working on her research project “Codetermination Legislation in Europe during the Cold War”, financed by the Swedish Research Council. The project studies the evolution of legislation at the level of the undertaking in several European countries, including Sweden.
Astrid is a tenured Associate Professor (lektor) at the Department of Global Political Studies, Malmo University, Sweden, where her current teaching includes International Organisation, Globalization and Welfare States, and Public Organization and Management.
Astrid has earlier written on the travel regulations for professionals under communist regimes, and the concept of participatory totatalitarianism. Her Ph.D. dissertation was "The Politics of Social Networks" on the democratic era reform of the former East German communist party SED, from a perspective of organization theory.
A native of Lund in southern Sweden, Astrid Hedin holds a Ph.D. degree in political science from Lund University, and is an Affiliate Associate Professor [docent] of the Department of Government at Uppsala University.