Sebastian Weirauch
![Sebastian Weirauch](
Sebastian Weirauch, PhD
- Visiting Student Researcher, The Europe Center, 2013
Sebastian Weirauch studied literature and sociology at the RWTH Aachen and creative writing at the German Literature Institute in Leipzig. He wrote his dissertation on Elfriede Jelinek.
Among other things, Weirauch worked as a youth worker, radio journalist and as a supervisor in a home for the disabled.
From 2014 to 2018 he worked as a lecturer and employee at the RWTH-Aachen in the field of European-Jewish literary history and from 2018 to 2020 at the University of Leipzig as part of the digitalization and edition project about the GDR`s Institute for Literary Writing 'Johannes R. Becher' (1955-1993). He also worked as a scientific advisor for the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig and for the Georg Eckert Institute for International Schoolbook Research.
Since 2022 he has been working as an editor for social studies.
His publications include scientific and literary texts. Recent publications include:
"Gegen Ironie sind sie machtlos" A media-critical investigation of Elfriede Jelinek's subversive rhetoric at Königshausen&Neumann (Reviewed in Austrian Studies Vol. 27).
"Experimentierfeld Schreibschule": Texts from the Literature Institute of the GDR "Johannes R. Becher" 1955-1993 in Wallstein-Verlag (reviewed a. o. in Kreuzer and on
"Von den Elementen. Poems" in the Poetenladen-Verlag (chosen among the 4 best poetry debuts of the house for poetry in Berlin, nominated for the Leonce & Lena Prize and reviewed a. o. in