Global Studies Minor with a Specialization in European Studies

The minor in Global Studies, with a specialization in European Studies, is designed for undergraduate students interested in the history, culture, politics, societies, and institutions of Europe. It allows students to organize their studies of Europe within a coherent and mentored minor. Students work with their minor advisor to develop individual programs. The minor is especially well-suited for undergraduates who participate in a Bing Overseas Studies Program in Europe, and helps them to prepare for/follow up on their experience.
Completion of 28 units that include the following:
- A 3-unit SGS introductory course,GLOBAL 101: Critical Issues in Global Affairs.
- A 5-unit core seminar course, INTNLREL 122: Introduction to European Studies.
- A 5-unit survey course on European history or culture. For the list of suggested courses that fulfill this requirement, please visit Survey Courses on European History or Culture. Students may also propose an alternative course to the minor advisor.
- 15 additional units on a coherent theme of interest developed with the minor advisor. This combination of courses can be on virtually any thematic subject with an interdisciplinary and comparative focus on Europe. For current offerings and course schedules, search for SGS::european on Explore Courses.
- Up to 15 of the 28 units can be completed during a Bing Overseas Studies Program in Europe.
Advanced proficiency in a modern European language achieved by ONE of the following:
- Successful completion of six quarters of college-level study of a modern European language.
- Completion of a course taught in a modern European language at the 100-level or higher and with a letter grade of "B" (3.0) or higher. This may be a course on a European language or literature, or some other subject, as long as it fulfills the above criteria. Note that this course in European literature or another subject may be double-counted towards the foreign language and the minor unit requirements.
- Achievement of the advanced proficiency level on the ACTFL scale in a test administered by the Stanford Language Center.
- Make an appointment with one of the two European Studies faculty advisors, Anna Grzymala-Busse ( or Christophe Crombez ( It is important that you meet with an advisor to review degree requirements and to determine if the Global Studies Minor is a good fit for your academic interests.
- Together with the faculty advisor, declare the Global Studies Minor in Axess and then select the specialization in European Studies.
Students may work with the subplan advisor to develop a capstone project to count towards the unit fulfillment of the minor. Projects may include (but are not limited to):
- Research with units through directed reading under the supervision of the subplan advisor. Research may take place at Stanford or during a relevant study abroad program, and options may include regional fieldwork, creative arts projects, short films, etc.
Advanced language study beyond the subplan minimum requirement with units through directed reading under the supervision of the subplan advisor. Intensive language training may take place at Stanford, off-campus, or overseas.
Students may propose other projects related to their subplan.
Anna Grzymala-Busse
Director, The Europe Center
Faculty Advisor
Christophe Crombez
Faculty Advisor
Alyssa Goya
Program Administrator