Visiting Student Researchers

Visiting Student Researchers
About the VSR Program
The Europe Center welcomes Visiting Student Researchers (VSRs), students who have not yet received their PhD, to Stanford to conduct research and engage in the rich academic environment on campus. Interested students must secure the support of a TEC affiliated Stanford faculty member.
Visitors at The Europe Center are expected to join us for our seminar series on Thursday afternoons and are often invited to additional TEC events. TEC endeavors to provide visitors with workspace in our office, depending on availability.
Fees & Funding
Visiting Student Researchers are self-funded positions. Students are required to pay Stanford's VSR tuition and fees. When planning the dates of your visit, please note that the monthly fees are not prorated.
Application Process
- Procure support from a TEC-affiliated Stanford faculty member
- Confirm dates with Alyssa Goya-
- Complete the VSR Application