This is day 1 of the two-day conference presented by The France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS), and the Centre d'études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale at the University of Poitiers.
All sessions are in Levinthal Hall at the Stanford Humanties Center unless otherwise noted in the agenda.
Agenda, April 19, 2018
Introduction and Welcome: 9.30-9.45am
Amalia Kessler, Director of FSCIS (Stanford), and Marisa Galvez (Stanford)
Session 1: 9.45-11.45am Troubadour Crusading Networks in Song and Songbooks
Moderator: Katherine Kong (Independent Scholar)
Steve Nichols (Hopkins): “‘De sai or de lai?’ Spiritual Ecology in Troubadour Crusade Literature”
Marisa Galvez (Stanford): “‘Testimoni, Cavalier e Jocglar’: Raimbaut de Vaqueiras as Crusader-Poet and Songbook Networks”
Christopher Davis (Northwestern): “The Empire of Song: Lyric Mobility and Social Hierarchy in the ‘Chansonnier du Roi’”
Lunchtime Graduate Workshop: 12-1.45pm - RSVP for pre-circulated papers!
In Stanford Humanities Center Board Room. Participants and RSVPs only. Papers pre-circulated by email. Moderator: Rowan Dorin (Stanford)
Nicolyna Enriquez (UCLA): “Medieval Connections: An Examination of a Fatimid Rock Crystal Ewer from the Treasury of Saint-Denis, Paris”
Richard Ibarra (UCLA): “Property Dispute and Crusaders in the Letters of Ivo of Chartres”
Padraic Rohan (Stanford): "Emperors No More: the Thirteenth-Century Sea Change from Constantinople to the Latin West"
Session 2: 2-3.30pm Social Practices and Intercultural Exchanges
Moderator: Alexander Key (Stanford)
Stefan Vander Elst (UC San Diego): “Crusade as a War of Families in the First Quarter of the Thirteenth Century”
Martin Aurell (U Poitiers): “From historiography to myth: mixed marriage in the Holy Land”
Coffee Break: 3.30-3.45pm Stanford Humanities Center Lobby
Session 3: 4-5.45pm Outremer Courts
Moderator: Francisco Prado-Vilar (Harvard)
Nicholas Paul (Fordham): “Cortezia and the Haute cour: Occitan Culture and the Shaping of Aristocratic Space in the Latin East”
Justine Andrews (U New Mexico): Lusignan Cyprus: Image and Architecture between France and the Levant”
Discussion and Concluding Response: 5-5.45pm
Rowan Dorin (Stanford), introduced by Elizabeth Marcus (Stanford)
Co-sponsored by: The Europe Center, the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, and the Department of History