TEC - Publications Page
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Dreams of Waking: An Anthology of Iberian Lyric Poetry (1400-1700)
Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
Europe Cannot Remain What it is. Europe's Crisis and the Perspectives
Konrad Adenauer Foundation Berlin,
Health, Illness, and Disease - Adjusting the Coordinates
Fuzziness and Medicine: Philosophical Reflections and Application Systems in Health Care (Springer 2013),
Towards a Global Neuroindustry: What About the Human Being That We Know?
Das Blättchen Berlin. Zweiwochenschrift für Politik, Kunst und Wirtschaft,
Policy Briefs
The Effect of National Factors on the Statebuilding Outcome in Fragile, Non-Permissive Environments (I/III)
Royal Danish Defense College,
Journal Articles
Patents and Innovation: Evidence from Economic History
Journal of Economic Perspectives,
Policy Briefs
Security Sector Reform in an Unstable, Fragile State (II/III)
Royal Danish Defence College,
Journal Articles
Postmaterialism or Metamaterialism? The Future of Progressive Civil Society Movements in Europe
Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen Berlin,
Journal Articles
Mythology and Politics in the U.S. Presidential Race 2012.
Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen Berlin,
Social Design for Multiethnic Areas
Politika. Year Book of the South Tyrolean Association of Political Science, Bolzano 2012,
Working Papers
Comparative analysis of data frameworks for agricultural policy analysis: The WTO-notificaitons and the OECD's PSE database
Norwegian Agriultural Economics Research Institute,
Journal Articles
Eurozilla? Europe’s Spectre in the US Presidential Election Campaign
Neuroscience and the importance of neurobioethics: A reflection upon Fritz Jahr
Fritz Jahr and the Foundations of Global Bioethics, published by LIT Verlag Berlin,
Global Change and the Shift in Postmaterialist Values
Social Change and Postmaterialism in Korea, Institute for Human Rights & Social Development (IHAS), Gyeongsang National University South Korea and Korea National Research Foundation, Seoul,
Journal Articles
Making the Afghan Civil-Military Imbalance Conducive to Democratization
PRISM, National Defense University Press,
Journal Articles
The Future of Economic Idealism: Korea, Europe, and the USA
The European Government Journal PEN,
China's Future After the Generational Power Transfer 2012-13: Democratization or the Rule of Law? For A Moderate Realistic Assessment of the Situation and the Perspectives
Journal for Comparative Political Science,
Journal Articles
The New Global Constellation - China and the USA: Is Pacific Confrontation the Destiny of the G-2?
Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik,